Drumstick leaves koottukari | Vegetarian Recipe

May 2024 · 1 minute read

Drumstick leaves are abundant with nutrition. Making them part off diet needn't be a strenuous practice at all; this easy, delicious recipe says just that.

4 red chillies
½ tsp cumin
1 ½ cup grated coconut
2 ½ cup drumstick leaves, plucked and cleaned
Sufficient quantity turmeric powder and salt
¼ cup cooked green gram
3 tbsp coconut oil
½ tsp mustard
½ tsp black gram
4 red chilies

Mix together red chillies, cumin seeds and grated coconut with a little water

Grind and heat the mixture on the stove

When it starts to boil, add drumstick leaves, turmeric powder and salt, and stir

Add cooked green gram to it, stir and remove from stove

Make a seasoning of mustard seeds, red chillies and black gram. Add to the curry and serve
