Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2 PC Will Have Dedicated Servers

May 2024 · 1 minute read

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Treyarch’s technical director Cesar Stastny has revealed that the PC version of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 will not only support dedicated servers but it will also allow those matches to be ranked, which means players on them will be able to accumulate experience points during matches.

Stastny mentioned the feature in a Tweet, which reads “Confirmed: Ranked Dedicated Servers for #BlackOps2.”

The announcement will certainly be seen as good news for PC gamers, who have learned over the last few years to not count on dedicated servers being a standard feature in CoD games. Infinity Ward first took away dedicated servers with Modern Warfare 2, only to have Treyarch bring them back with the first Black Ops. Modern Warfare 3 technically has dedicated servers but only for unranked matches, which pretty much makes them worthless.

Basically, if you are a PC Call of Duty gamer then Treyarch has your back. As for the other hundred Call of Duty studios… Maybe, maybe not.

Source: Joystiq
