How to install Homebrew Portable Ruby when your system version is too old

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read

I'm trying to install Homebrew on macOS. Once the installation finished, when I typed help I got:

Already downloaded: /.../Library/Caches/Homebrew/portable-ruby-2.6.3.mavericks.bottle.tar.gz Error: Checksum mismatch. Expected: ab81211a2052ccaa6d050741c433b728d0641523d8742eef23a5b450811e5104 Actual: f80fd4cc877a64b0ac1c105fdc212ca6be08bb034118900f2c2f58edcfe0dafd Archive: /.../Library/Caches/Homebrew/portable-ruby-2.6.3.mavericks.bottle.tar.gz To retry an incomplete download, remove the file above. Error: Failed to install Homebrew Portable Ruby (and your system version is too old)! 

9 Answers

I had the same question, and the solution is simple: remove the portable-ruby-2.6.3.mavericks.bottle.tar.gz you downloaded before.

rm /.../Library/Caches/Homebrew/portable-ruby-2.6.3.mavericks.bottle.tar.gz 

Try running brew update-reset in your terminal and then run brew upgrade in the same terminal.


"Homebrew install fails with Error: Failed to install Homebrew Portable Ruby" helped me tremendously.

It would fail to install, because our company firewall was blocking certain downloads, like bottle, during the Homebrew update/install, but it was difficult to determine this because I would get the error above.

After removing the file, try

brew upgrade brew update 

on your personal Wifi or your phone's hotspot.


To retry an incomplete download, remove the file above, then run:

rm /.../Library/Caches/Homebrew/portableruby-2.6.3.mavericks.bottle.tar.gz 

and try again

I fixed it.

First, I deleted the brew file that stores in the Library folder when using macOS.

The failure before was due to the connection. When I make sure the connection worked, it worked.

my problem was:

 Already downloaded: ../Library/Caches/Homebrew/portable-ruby-2.6.8_1.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz ==> Pouring portable-ruby-2.6.8_1.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz Error: Failed to install ruby 2.6.8_1! Error: Failed to install Homebrew Portable Ruby (and your system version is too old)! 

Fixed with opening the system app for terminal and installing Rosetta into the prompt. This happened after system update MacOS to 11.6.7

After resolving this brew did brew upgrade finish well. Hope this helps someone.


Remove the Homebrew Portable Ruby tar.gz from your Mac using:

rm <the path.tar.gz> rm -rf <the path.tar.gz> 

I've been automating this for years. There is a new something(?) in play during the Homebrew install.

I had the same error as above. I filed an issue report and got a response that fixed my problem:

CI=1 /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" 

I'm not sure what prefixing with CI=1 does but all my automation issues went away.

Here is how I fixed it:

brew cleanup then brew upgrade

