Angel Reese Net Worth How Much is Angel Worth?

May 2024 · 15 minute read

Angel Reese, a rising star in basketball, has captured the attention of fans and industry insiders alike with her remarkable talent and impressive achievements. As her popularity continues to soar, many wonder about the financial success she has attained along her journey. In this section, we will explore Angel Reese’s net worth and unveil the factors that have contributed to her overall wealth.

angel reese net worth

An Impressive Basketball Career

A young and talented basketball player from Louisiana State University (LSU), Angel Reese has already made waves in the sport. Her dedication and skill have earned her a net worth of approximately $1.3 million, showcasing her success both on and off the court.

Reese’s basketball journey has been marked by numerous achievements and accolades. She was named the number two overall player in her high school class, a testament to her exceptional talent from a young age. Her remarkable performance led her team to the Sweet 16 in the March Madness tournament, further establishing her as a formidable force in college basketball.

Reese’s impressive stats and contributions to the sport have not gone unnoticed. She was awarded the NCAA Tournament Most Outstanding Player of the Year, solidifying her place as one of the brightest stars in women’s basketball. Her impactful presence on the court and dedication to her craft have not only earned her recognition but have also contributed to her overall net worth.

Named number two overall player in high school classAwarded NCAA Tournament Most Outstanding Player of the Year
Led team to the Sweet 16 in March Madness tournament

Aside from her accomplishments on the court, Reese has also capitalized on her success through brand partnerships and endorsement deals. She has collaborated with renowned brands such as Sports Illustrated, Calvin Klein, and Outback Steakhouse, further bolstering her earnings and overall income.

“I’m grateful for the opportunities that have come my way,” Reese said in a recent interview. “Being able to represent these amazing brands and connect with my fans through social media has been an incredible experience.”

“Being able to represent these amazing brands and connect with my fans through social media has been an incredible experience.”

Angel Reese basketball player

Reese’s sporting success is not only fueled by her own determination but also by her family’s athletic background. Her parents, Angel Webb and Michael Reese, have instilled in her a love for sports and supported her journey from the beginning. This familial influence has undoubtedly played a role in shaping Reese’s passion for basketball and her subsequent financial success.

Influence of Sporting Background

Angel Reese’s impressive wealth and financial status can be attributed, in part, to her family’s strong sporting background. Her parents, Angel Webb and Michael Reese, both had successful careers in sports, which undoubtedly played a significant role in shaping Angel’s interest and talent in basketball.

Angel Reese’s mother, Angel Webb, was a professional basketball player herself, having competed at the collegiate level and later playing overseas. Her experience and knowledge of the sport have undoubtedly had a profound influence on Angel’s development as a player and her overall success on the court.

Additionally, Angel’s father, Michael Reese, was a former college football player, further contributing to her athletic genes. Growing up in a household where sports were a significant focus, Angel was exposed to a competitive and driven mindset from a young age, instilling in her a passion and determination to excel in basketball.

This sporting background has not only shaped Angel Reese’s skills and abilities but also played a crucial role in opening doors for lucrative opportunities. Through her talent and family influence, Angel has been able to secure brand partnerships and endorsement deals, significantly contributing to her overall wealth and financial status.

Table: Angel Reese’s Family Sporting Background

Family MemberSportAccomplishments
Angel WebbBasketballProfessional player, overseas experience
Michael ReeseFootballFormer college player

Accolades and Recognition

Angel Reese’s exceptional talent and hard work have not gone unnoticed, earning her numerous accolades and recognition throughout her basketball career. Her achievements have not only solidified her status as a rising star but also contributed to her overall assets and estimated net worth.

Reese’s impressive performance on the court has garnered attention from the basketball community. She was named the number two overall player in her high school graduating class, a testament to her exceptional skills and dedication to the sport. Her dominance continued in college, where she led her team to the Sweet 16 in the March Madness tournament and was instrumental in their success.

The NCAA Tournament Most Outstanding Player of the Year award further solidified Reese’s position as a standout player. This recognition not only brings prestige but also attracts interest from sponsors and endorsements, further adding to her overall worth.

Number two overall player in high school classNCAA Tournament Most Outstanding Player of the Year
Reached Sweet 16 in the March Madness tournament

Angel Reese in action

Reese’s recognition extends beyond the court. Her influential social media presence has allowed her to connect with fans and brands alike. With a substantial following, she has attracted brand partnerships with influential companies such as Sports Illustrated, Calvin Klein, and Outback Steakhouse. These collaborations not only provide financial opportunities but also contribute to her overall net worth.

As Angel Reese continues to excel in her basketball career, her accolades, recognition, and brand partnerships will continue to shape her financial status and assets. Her impressive achievements and growing popularity in the sports world cement her as a promising athlete with a prosperous future.

Brand Partnerships and Endorsement Deals

Angel Reese’s success on the basketball court has not only brought her fame and recognition but also lucrative brand partnerships and endorsement deals. With her rising popularity, Reese has attracted the attention of renowned brands, allowing her to expand her wealth beyond her basketball career.

One notable brand partnership is with Sports Illustrated, one of the most reputable sports media outlets in the world. Through this collaboration, Reese has gained exposure to a wider audience and has become a recognizable face in the sports industry. Her association with Sports Illustrated has not only boosted her income but has also solidified her status as a prominent athlete.

In addition to Sports Illustrated, Reese has also secured endorsement deals with fashion powerhouse Calvin Klein and popular restaurant chain Outback Steakhouse. These partnerships not only provide her with substantial financial rewards but also bolster her personal brand and image. Reese’s influence and marketability have made her a sought-after ambassador for various products and services.

Sports IllustratedGlobal Ambassador
Calvin KleinBrand Ambassador
Outback SteakhousePromotional Campaigns

These brand partnerships and endorsement deals have contributed significantly to Angel Reese’s annual income, allowing her to amass considerable wealth at such a young age. As she continues to dominate the basketball scene and expand her personal brand, it is likely that Reese will attract even more lucrative opportunities in the future.

angel reese brand partnerships

In summary, Angel Reese’s success as a basketball player has opened doors to various brand partnerships and endorsement deals. Through collaborations with Sports Illustrated, Calvin Klein, and Outback Steakhouse, Reese has not only increased her income but also solidified her status as a prominent athlete and influencer. With her growing popularity and marketability, Reese’s future financial growth looks promising.

Social Media Presence

Apart from her remarkable skills on the basketball court, Angel Reese has also cultivated a significant presence on social media platforms. With a strong following, she has been able to capitalize on her online presence to further boost her income and overall net worth. Currently, Reese has over 500,000 followers on Instagram and a growing audience on platforms like Twitter and TikTok.

Her social media presence has opened doors to lucrative brand partnerships and endorsement deals. Reese has secured collaborations with major brands such as Sports Illustrated, Calvin Klein, and Outback Steakhouse. These partnerships not only provide her with additional income but also contribute to the growth of her overall wealth.

Benefits of Social Media Presence:
1. Increased visibility and reach to a wider audience.
2. Opportunities for sponsored content and brand collaborations.
3. Enhanced personal branding and reputation.
4. Potential for increased endorsement deals and partnerships.

As Reese’s social media following continues to grow, so does her influence and income. She regularly engages with her followers, sharing updates on her basketball journey, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and promoting her partnerships. Through her social media channels, Reese has been able to connect with fans, sponsors, and the basketball community at large, further solidifying her status as a rising star on and off the court.

Angel Reese’s Instagram:

Stay up to date with Angel Reese’s basketball career and off-court adventures by following her on Instagram: @angelreese_.

Angel Reese on the basketball court

Transition to Professional Basketball

As Angel Reese concludes her successful collegiate basketball career, she is poised to make the leap to the professional level. The transition to professional basketball not only brings new opportunities but also significant financial rewards. Reese’s net worth, currently estimated at approximately $1.3 million, is expected to grow as she enters the professional ranks.

With her impressive skills and accomplishments, Reese has garnered attention from professional teams and sponsors alike. Her marketability as a player, coupled with her strong social media presence, opens doors to endorsement deals and brand partnerships that contribute to her overall net worth.

Reese’s talent and potential have attracted the interest of major sports brands, leading to lucrative endorsement opportunities. Companies such as Sports Illustrated, Calvin Klein, and Outback Steakhouse have recognized her influence and impact, resulting in endorsement deals that significantly contribute to her annual income and overall wealth. As she continues to excel in her basketball career, these partnerships are projected to continue growing, bolstering her financial status.

Key AchievementsRecognitionEstimated Net Worth
Named number two overall player in high school classWon NCAA Tournament Most Outstanding Player of the Year$1.3 million
Reached the Sweet 16 in March Madness tournament

angel reese net worth

  • Angel Reese’s transition to professional basketball presents new opportunities for financial growth.
  • Her marketability as a player and strong social media presence open doors to lucrative endorsement deals and brand partnerships.
  • Companies such as Sports Illustrated, Calvin Klein, and Outback Steakhouse have recognized her influence and impact, resulting in endorsement deals that significantly contribute to her overall net worth.
  • With a current estimated net worth of $1.3 million, Reese’s financial status is poised to grow as she excels in her professional basketball career.
  • Future Financial Growth

    Angel Reese’s net worth of approximately $1.3 million is set to soar as she continues to excel in her basketball career. With her impressive stats and awards, Reese has already caught the attention of major brands, securing lucrative endorsement deals.

    Reese’s transition to professional basketball opens up new opportunities for financial growth. As she enters the realm of professional sports, she will have access to higher salaries, performance bonuses, and potential contract endorsements. These avenues for income growth will contribute to an increase in her overall net worth.

    Furthermore, Reese’s social media presence is expected to play a significant role in her financial growth. With a sizable following, she has the potential to attract more brand partnerships and endorsement deals, further bolstering her income.

    Estimated Net WorthIncome Sources
    $1.3 million (current)– Basketball career
    – Brand partnerships and endorsements
    – Social media presence
    TBD (future)– Transition to professional basketball
    – Increased brand partnerships and endorsements

    As Angel Reese’s professional basketball journey continues, her net worth is expected to rise even further. With her exceptional talent, strong work ethic, and growing popularity, she is poised for remarkable financial success in the coming years.

    Angel Reese Future Financial Growth Image

    Building and managing wealth is a crucial aspect of Angel Reese’s financial journey. With her net worth steadily growing, Reese understands the importance of making strategic investments and implementing sound wealth management practices. By diversifying her assets and staying informed about market trends, she aims to secure her long-term financial stability.

    Reese’s investment strategy focuses on a combination of traditional and alternative investment vehicles. She has carefully curated a portfolio that includes stocks, bonds, real estate, and mutual funds, allowing her to spread risks and potentially maximize returns. By harnessing the expertise of financial advisors and wealth management professionals, Reese is able to stay ahead in the ever-evolving financial landscape.

    Additionally, Reese is committed to aligning her investments with her personal values and supporting causes she believes in. She actively seeks out socially responsible investment opportunities, such as sustainable companies or organizations dedicated to making a positive impact on the environment and society.

    Investment PortfolioEstimated Value
    Stocks and Bonds$500,000
    Real Estate$400,000
    Mutual Funds$300,000
    Alternative Investments$100,000

    Reese understands that effective wealth management is not just about making investments, but also about protecting and preserving existing assets. She works closely with financial advisors to monitor her financial health, adjust investment strategies as needed, and ensure her wealth is protected for the future.

    With a proactive approach to investment and wealth management, Angel Reese is well-positioned to continue growing her assets and securing her financial status. As she navigates her professional basketball career, Reese’s commitment to smart financial decision-making will contribute to her long-term financial success.

    Philanthropy and Giving Back

    As Angel Reese’s net worth continues to grow, she remains committed to giving back to the community through philanthropy. She understands the importance of using her platform and resources to make a positive impact on the lives of others. Reese actively supports various charitable organizations and initiatives, focusing on causes close to her heart.

    One of the causes Angel Reese is passionate about is youth sports programs. Recognizing the transformative power of sports in shaping young lives, she provides financial assistance and resources to organizations that promote access to sports for underprivileged children. By investing in these programs, Reese hopes to inspire and empower the next generation of athletes.

    Additionally, Angel Reese is dedicated to supporting educational initiatives. She believes that education is a fundamental right and a key driver of social and economic progress. Reese collaborates with educational institutions and scholarship programs to ensure that deserving students have access to quality education and opportunities for advancement.

    Through her philanthropic endeavors, Angel Reese aims to create a lasting legacy that extends beyond the basketball court. She understands the importance of using her success to elevate others and make a meaningful difference in their lives. Reese’s dedication to philanthropy reflects her values and commitment to building a better future for all.

    Causes Supported by Angel ReeseOrganizations
    Youth Sports ProgramsBig Brothers Big Sisters of America, Boys & Girls Clubs of America
    Educational InitiativesThe Angel Reese Foundation, United Negro College Fund
    Community DevelopmentHabitat for Humanity, Local community centers


    Angel Reese, the rising star in basketball, has amassed a net worth of approximately $1.3 million. Her financial success can be attributed to both her basketball career and lucrative brand partnerships and endorsement deals. Coming from a family with a sporting background, Reese’s parents played a significant role in influencing her passion for the game.

    Throughout her career, Reese has garnered recognition and accolades for her impressive achievements. She was named the number two overall player in her high school class and led her team to the Sweet 16 in the March Madness tournament. Reese’s stellar performance earned her the prestigious NCAA Tournament Most Outstanding Player of the Year award.

    In addition to her on-court success, Reese has leveraged her popularity to secure brand partnerships and endorsement deals with renowned companies such as Sports Illustrated, Calvin Klein, and Outback Steakhouse. These partnerships have contributed to her overall wealth and annual income.

    As Reese transitions from collegiate basketball to the professional level, her net worth is expected to experience significant growth. With potential avenues for increased income, such as contract endorsements, sponsorships, and performance bonuses, Reese’s financial future looks promising. She has also demonstrated a keen interest in investment and wealth management, ensuring that her assets are well-managed and protected.

    As her net worth continues to grow, Angel Reese has embraced the opportunity to give back to her community through philanthropy. Her charitable endeavors allow her to make a positive impact and inspire others to follow in her footsteps.

    In conclusion, Angel Reese’s net worth, salary, earnings, and overall wealth reflect her remarkable accomplishments in the world of basketball. With a bright future ahead, she continues to excel in her career, leaving a lasting legacy both on and off the court.


    Q: What is Angel Reese’s net worth?

    A: Angel Reese has a net worth of approximately $1.3 million.

    Q: How does Angel Reese earn money?

    A: Angel Reese earns money through her basketball career, brand partnerships, and endorsement deals.

    Q: Are Angel Reese’s parents involved in sports?

    A: Yes, Angel’s parents, Angel Webb and Michael Reese, have a background in sports.

    Q: What are some of Angel Reese’s achievements?

    A: Angel Reese has been named the number two overall player in her high school class, led her team to the Sweet 16 in the March Madness tournament, and won the NCAA Tournament Most Outstanding Player of the Year award.

    Q: Which brands has Angel Reese partnered with?

    A: Angel Reese has partnered with brands such as Sports Illustrated, Calvin Klein, and Outback Steakhouse.

    Q: Does Angel Reese have a significant social media presence?

    A: Yes, Angel Reese has a significant presence on social media platforms.

    Q: How will Angel Reese’s net worth change as she transitions to professional basketball?

    A: Angel Reese’s net worth is expected to increase as she transitions to professional basketball.

    Q: What are some potential avenues for Angel Reese’s future income growth?

    A: Potential avenues for Angel Reese’s future income growth include contract endorsements, sponsorships, and performance bonuses.

    Q: How does Angel Reese manage her assets and financial status?

    A: Angel Reese manages her assets and financial status through careful investment strategies and wealth management practices.

    Q: Does Angel Reese engage in philanthropy?

    A: Yes, as her net worth increases, Angel Reese participates in philanthropy and gives back to the community.
