How To Master The Figure-Eight Leglock Like Charlotte Flair

May 2024 ยท 15 minute read

Charlotte Flair, born Ashley Elizabeth Fliehr, is a renowned American professional wrestler currently signed to WWE, where she performs on the SmackDown brand. She is widely regarded as one of the greatest female wrestlers of all time, holding numerous championships and accolades throughout her illustrious career.

Her athleticism, charisma, and exceptional storytelling abilities have made her a fan favorite. She has been instrumental in breaking down barriers and paving the way for women in the wrestling industry. Notably, she became the first woman to headline a WWE pay-per-view event in WrestleMania 35, a watershed moment for female wrestlers.

This article delves into Charlotte Flair's remarkable journey, exploring her early life, training, and rise to prominence. We will also discuss her signature moves, memorable feuds, and impact on the wider wrestling landscape.

Charlotte Flair

Charlotte Flair, born Ashley Elizabeth Fliehr, is a trailblazing American professional wrestler who has left an indelible mark on the industry. Her exceptional talent, charisma, and unwavering determination have propelled her to the forefront of the wrestling world. To fully grasp the essence of Charlotte Flair, it is imperative to delve into the key aspects that define her illustrious career.

These key aspects provide a comprehensive overview of Charlotte Flair's professional wrestling career, showcasing her accomplishments, signature moves, and the accolades that have solidified her status as one of the most formidable and decorated female wrestlers of all time. Her unwavering pursuit of excellence, combined with her captivating presence, continues to inspire and captivate fans worldwide.

Ring Name

The ring name "Charlotte Flair" is inextricably linked to the identity, career, and legacy of Charlotte Elizabeth Fliehr, the woman behind the persona. It serves as a professional moniker that distinguishes her from other wrestlers and solidifies her place within the wrestling industry. By adopting the ring name "Charlotte Flair," Ashley Fliehr embraced her family heritage while simultaneously forging her own unique path in the wrestling world.

The ring name "Charlotte Flair" has become synonymous with athleticism, charisma, and an unmatched work ethic. It has opened doors to countless opportunities, allowing Charlotte to showcase her exceptional skills on some of the grandest stages in wrestling. Moreover, it has empowered her to become a role model and inspiration to aspiring wrestlers and fans alike. The name has transcended the realm of entertainment and has become a symbol of excellence and determination.

In practical terms, the ring name "Charlotte Flair" serves as a brand that encompasses all aspects of Charlotte's professional wrestling career. It is a name that is recognized and respected by fans, fellow wrestlers, and industry insiders. By consistently delivering high-quality performances and engaging storylines, Charlotte has elevated her ring name to new heights, solidifying her status as one of the most recognizable and successful wrestlers in the world. Her success has not only benefited her own career but has also paved the way for other female wrestlers to achieve greater prominence in the industry.

In conclusion, the ring name "Charlotte Flair" and the woman behind it are intertwined in a mutually reinforcing relationship. The name has become an integral part of Charlotte's identity, representing her passion for wrestling, her dedication to her craft, and her unwavering pursuit of excellence. It has opened doors to countless opportunities, allowed her to inspire others, and has solidified her place as one of the greatest female wrestlers of all time.

Birth Name

Behind the dazzling persona of "Charlotte Flair" lies Ashley Elizabeth Fliehr, the woman who embodies the indomitable spirit and relentless determination that have propelled her to the pinnacle of the wrestling industry. Her birth name holds significance beyond its mere identification, as it represents her roots, her journey, and the foundation upon which she has built her extraordinary career.

In conclusion, the birth name "Ashley Elizabeth Fliehr" is an integral part of the "Charlotte Flair" persona. It represents her identity, heritage, personal connection, foundation for success, and relatability. By embracing her birth name, Charlotte Flair pays homage to her roots while simultaneously inspiring others to pursue their dreams with unwavering determination.


Charlotte Flair's birthdate of April 5, 1986, is a significant piece of information that provides context and insights into her life and career. It not only marks the day of her birth but also serves as a reminder of the astrological sign associated with it: Aries.

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is known for its fiery, passionate, and determined nature. These traits are evident in Charlotte Flair's wrestling persona, as she exudes confidence, aggression, and an unwavering spirit in the ring. Her birthdate, therefore, aligns with her astrological characteristics, suggesting a natural predisposition towards the qualities that have made her a successful wrestler.

Moreover, understanding Charlotte Flair's birthdate can help fans and analysts alike gain a deeper appreciation of her motivations and drive. By examining her astrological chart, one can speculate on the planetary influences that may have shaped her personality and career path. This information can provide valuable insights into her strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas of growth.

In summary, while Charlotte Flair's birthdate may not be a critical component of her identity, it offers an interesting and informative lens through which to view her life and career. By considering the astrological implications of her birthdate and aligning them with her observed traits, we can gain a better understanding of the factors that have contributed to her success in the wrestling industry.


Charlotte Flair's birthplace, Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S., holds significant meaning in her life and career. Being born in the heart of the professional wrestling industry has undoubtedly influenced her path and shaped her destiny in the ring.

Growing up in Charlotte, Flair was surrounded by wrestling from a young age. She witnessed firsthand the passion and dedication required to succeed in this demanding sport. The city's rich wrestling history and culture provided her with a unique environment to nurture her dreams and develop her skills. Moreover, her proximity to renowned wrestling promotions and training facilities allowed her to access the necessary resources and guidance to embark on her wrestling journey.

Beyond its geographical significance, Charlotte's birthplace has become an integral part of her identity as a wrestler. She proudly carries the name of her hometown, showcasing her roots and paying homage to the place that fostered her love for wrestling. This connection is evident in her signature entrance, where she emerges from a curtain emblazoned with the iconic Charlotte skyline, eliciting thunderous cheers from the crowd.

In summary, Charlotte Flair's birthplace, Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S., has played a crucial role in her development as a wrestler. It has provided her with a supportive environment, access to opportunities, and a sense of belonging within the wrestling community. By embracing her hometown, Charlotte Flair has forged a deep connection with her fans, further solidifying her status as one of the most beloved and successful wrestlers in the industry.


Charlotte Flair's height of 5 ft 10 in (1.78 m) is a significant physical attribute that contributes to her success in the wrestling industry. This notable height offers her several advantages and plays a crucial role in her overall performance and ring presence.

In conclusion, Charlotte Flair's height of 5 ft 10 in (1.78 m) is an asset that enhances her physicality, intimidates her opponents, and contributes to her overall dominance in the wrestling ring. It allows her to execute moves with greater power and precision, while also adding to her commanding presence. As a result, Flair has established herself as a formidable force in the industry, consistently delivering high-quality matches that captivate audiences worldwide.


Charlotte Flair's weight of 154 lb (70 kg) is a significant component of her identity as a wrestler. It contributes to her overall physicality, performance capabilities, and strategic approach in the ring. Maintaining this weight requires rigorous training, disciplined nutrition, and unwavering dedication to her craft.

Flair's weight allows her to execute high-impact moves with greater power and precision. Her ability to lift and maneuver opponents effectively is crucial in a sport where strength and agility are essential. Moreover, her lean muscle mass enhances her endurance, enabling her to perform at a consistently high level throughout matches.

Furthermore, Flair's weight plays a role in her signature submission maneuver, the Figure-Eight Leglock. The added weight provides her with leverage and control, making it difficult for opponents to escape the hold. By maintaining her weight at 154 lb (70 kg), Flair can execute this move with maximum impact, increasing her chances of victory.

In conclusion, Charlotte Flair's weight of 154 lb (70 kg) is an integral aspect of her success as a wrestler. It contributes to her strength, agility, and the effectiveness of her signature moves. Understanding the relationship between weight and performance is crucial for aspiring wrestlers and fitness enthusiasts alike, as it highlights the importance of maintaining an optimal weight for achieving desired results.

Finishing Move

Charlotte Flair's finishing move, Natural Selection, is a testament to her exceptional athleticism, power, and strategic brilliance. This maneuver has become synonymous with Flair's dominance in the wrestling industry, serving as a decisive force in countless matches and solidifying her status as one of the most formidable wrestlers of all time.

In conclusion, Natural Selection is not just a finishing move but an integral part of Charlotte Flair's identity as a wrestler. Its execution, impact, variations, and legacy all contribute to its significance in the wrestling landscape. As Flair continues to grace the squared circle, Natural Selection will undoubtedly remain a force to be reckoned with, synonymous with her unparalleled dominance and unwavering pursuit of victory.

Signature Moves

Charlotte Flair's signature moves, Moonsault, Spear, and Figure-Eight Leglock, are integral to her dominance in the wrestling industry. These meticulously crafted maneuvers showcase her athleticism, power, and technical prowess, leaving a lasting impact on opponents and audiences alike.

These signature moves are not merely individual techniques but extensions of Charlotte Flair's identity as a wrestler. They represent her unwavering determination, relentless aggression, and technical mastery. By seamlessly integrating these moves into her matches, Flair captivates audiences, showcasing her versatility and dominance, solidifying her place among the elite wrestlers of all time.


As a testament to her unparalleled dominance in the squared circle, Charlotte Flair has amassed a staggering collection of championships throughout her illustrious career. These accolades stand as a testament to her unmatched skill, determination, and unwavering pursuit of excellence, solidifying her status as one of the greatest female wrestlers of all time.

Flair's championship victories are not merely accolades but symbols of her unwavering dedication to the sport. They represent the countless hours of training, the sacrifices made, and the relentless pursuit of greatness. Her championships serve as an inspiration to aspiring wrestlers and fans alike, demonstrating that with hard work and determination, anything is possible.


The accolades bestowed upon Charlotte Flair, including PWI Woman of the Year (2016) and WON Woman of the Year (2019, 2020), stand as a testament to her exceptional talent and unmatched dominance in the wrestling industry. These prestigious recognitions are not merely symbolic but represent the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and unwavering commitment to her craft. Each accolade serves as a milestone in her illustrious career, showcasing her remarkable consistency, versatility, and ability to captivate audiences with her captivating performances.

Flair's accolades are not solely individual achievements but also reflect her positive impact on women's wrestling as a whole. Her groundbreaking victories and historic title reigns have paved the way for future generations of female wrestlers, demonstrating that women can headline major events and command the same level of respect and recognition as their male counterparts. By consistently delivering high-quality matches and compelling storylines, Flair has played a pivotal role in elevating the status of women's wrestling and inspiring countless aspiring wrestlers to pursue their dreams.

Understanding the connection between Charlotte Flair and her accolades provides valuable insights into the qualities and characteristics that have contributed to her unparalleled success. It highlights the importance of perseverance, adaptability, and the unwavering pursuit of excellence. These accolades serve as a benchmark for aspiring wrestlers, showcasing the level of dedication and commitment required to achieve the highest echelons of the industry. Furthermore, Flair's success story demonstrates that success is not limited by gender or preconceived notions. It is a testament to the power of hard work, determination, and the unwavering belief in oneself.

This exploration of Charlotte Flair's remarkable journey offers valuable insights into the qualities that have shaped her as an exceptional athlete and a trailblazing figure in women's wrestling. Her unwavering determination, combined with her exceptional athleticism and technical prowess, has propelled her to the pinnacle of the industry. Flair's signature moves, championship victories, and prestigious accolades stand as testaments to her dominance and impact on the sport. Her success has not only brought recognition to women's wrestling but has also inspired countless aspiring wrestlers to pursue their dreams.

As we reflect on Charlotte Flair's legacy, several main points emerge. Firstly, her unwavering dedication to her craft and her relentless pursuit of excellence have been instrumental in her rise to the top. Secondly, her ability to connect with audiences through captivating performances and compelling storylines has solidified her status as a fan favorite. Finally, her groundbreaking achievements and positive impact on women's wrestling have left an enduring mark on the industry.

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