'This Is Us' Concludes Its Six-Season Run on NBC Will There Be a Spin-Off?

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Will there be a 'This Is Us' spin-off? 'This Is Us,' Dan Fogelman's beloved family drama, has concluded after six seasons. Is a spin-off on the table?

Source: NBC

Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers for the Season 6 finale of This Is Us.

One of the most beloved family dramas concluded with a tear-jerker episode on Tuesday, May 24, 2022. Transporting viewers to a calm Saturday at the lively Pearson home, the Season 6 finale calls on viewers to treasure the beauty of everyday life. With its poignant depiction of Rebecca's (Mandy Moore) funeral, it provides some much-needed closure. However, the question remains: Will there be a This Is Us spin-off?

'This Is Us' concluded on May 24, 2022. When can we expect the first spin-off to drop?

The Season 6 Finale of This Is Us captures an idyllic day in the life of the Big Three, Kevin, Kate, and Randall, and their parents, Jack (Milo Ventimiglia) and Rebecca (Mandy Moore). The episode casts light on where the main characters end up after the death of their parents — which, it so happens, provides fertile ground for several spin-offs. Has Dan Fogelman, the creator of This Is Us, talked about his future plans yet?

Source: NBC

Season 6 of This Is Us explores the circle of life in its various iterations. It shows the ripple effect of Miguel's (Jon Huertas) death, Jack's last day, the impact the Pearson family motto had on a young boy named Marcus (Jonigan Booth), and Rebecca's devastating passing. There are plenty of opportunities to expand the family chronicle — but Dan Fogelman seems to be quite determined to conclude the tale.

"Every book has to end," Dan Fogelman says.

"We never planned on living heavily in 2040 or whatever that year would be," Dan, the creator of This Is Us told TVLine. "There are more stories to be told in the adult lives of [the Big Three's] children and grandchildren, but that was never the intent of the series. Every book has to end."

Source: NBC

Dan further elaborated on the requirements of the genre in a separate interview with Deadline. "Every generational family novel can go back further and go forward further if you so choose. We had the beginning, middle and end points of where our timeline would start, center, and end, and this was always the plan."

According to IMDb, Dan is now working on a movie adaptation of Honeymoon with Harry. The first of two humorous fiction books, it explores a man's strange relationship with his father-in-law.

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The Season 6 Finale of 'This Is Us' features footage shot several seasons ago.

The creative team behind This Is Us took the task of composing a fitting send-off very seriously. As Dan told Deadline, they decided to include "barely scripted" footage — which could perhaps be interpreted as the editing suite taking a moment to reminisce.

"Towards the opening of the finale, you see the three little kids waking up, intercut with the three adult kids waking up on the morning of their mother’s funeral. And then Jack’s voice calls them downstairs for breakfast," Dan said. "I recorded stuff that we barely scripted, Jack’s flipping pancakes and making pancakes and then intercut with Randall, his much younger family in the old house flipping pancakes and making pancakes."

"It was so charming, and it was speaking to the theme at the end of the episode — which is what the entire series has been about — that you carry this stuff forward with you without even thinking about it," he added.

For now, let's stick to re-watching old This Is Us episodes and hope that Dan will change his mind.
