Elektra Lopez May Make WWE Main Roster Jump To Squash Beef With Zelina Vega

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Triple H is doing his best to liven up the WWE product as Chief Content Officer. This could call for a surprising addition to the WWE main roster at any time, and it seems that there are plenty of stories to tell.

Legado Del Fantasma made waves in NXT with Elektra Lopez by their side. The stable took off and went to the main roster, leaving Lopez behind. This was a big shocker for fans, because they expected everyone in the stable to get their main roster call-up at the same time.

Zelina Vega was moved into Elektra Lopez’s position on the WWE main roster. This could open up a big story to tell down the line, and it appears that Vega is down to tell it.

While speaking to Out of Character, Zelina Vega brought up the fact that she replaced Elektra Lopez. It wasn’t Zelina Vega’s call, but she was happy to take the opportunity. Now, as member of the LWO, Vega theorized that Elektra Lopez might try to get even with her down the line.

“They (Legado Del Fantasma) had been with Elektra (Lopez) previously.

“I have no idea how or why or what happened there, but it’s like, it’s fresh for everybody because now she’s doing her thing in NXT with her group and how she’s running that and then we have ours here so, who knows?

“There might be a crossover there at some point. I mean, she might be super pissed at me and wanna come and hit me and then there’s gonna be a whole thing there but I don’t know.

“I think that is the cool thing is that you don’t know. I don’t even know.”

Elektra Lopez was a good fit for Legado Del Fantasma in NXT, but she also needed a lot more polishing up before her main roster debut. WWE wants to set Superstars up to succeed on the main roster, and that is a big reason why Zelina Vega was moved into that slot.

We’ll have to see what WWE decides to do so they can shake up the rosters. There are a lot of options on the table, especially if you consider the current WWE Draft is on the horizon. All eligible Superstars are up for consideration, and that might see some big changes.

What’s your take on Zelina Vega replacing Elektra Lopez on the main roster? Do you think this was the right move? Sound off in the comments!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.
