Chad Gable reveals radical hairstyle change

May 2024 · 4 minute read

What's the story?

Bobby Roode underwent a drastic change of appearance when he showed up on WWE Raw after WrestleMania 35 with a moustache.

Four weeks later, his former tag partner Chad Gable has decided to have an appearance change of his own – he now has short hair!

In case you didn't know…

Following his participation in the 2012 Olympics as an amateur wrestler, Chad Gable made the transition to sports entertainment and signed with WWE in November 2013.

He made his televised debut in NXT against Tyler Breeze in January 2015 before forming one of the most popular tag teams in the brand’s history, American Alpha, with Jason Jordan later in the year.

The two men went on to become NXT Tag Team champions in April 2016, defeating The Revival at NXT TakeOver: Dallas, and they even had an 84-day reign as SmackDown Tag Team champions after winning the titles from The Wyatt Family in December 2016.

Since splitting from Jordan in July 2017, Gable has had two other tag partners – Shelton Benjamin (August 2017-April 2018) and Bobby Roode (August 2018-April 2019) – and he became the second man in WWE history, after Jordan, to win the NXT, Raw and SmackDown Tag Team titles when he captured the red brand's tag titles with Roode in December 2018.

Gable and Roode were then broken up during the 2019 Superstar Shake-Up when Gable moved to SmackDown Live and Roode remained on Raw.

The heart of the matter

Bobby Roode, now going by the name Robert Roode, defeated Chad Gable in untelevised matches in Paris, France and Birmingham, England during WWE's European tour. has posted photo galleries from both live events, including several images which show that Gable is now sporting a shorter hairstyle:

Gable's hair looked smart at the start of his match...
...then it got a little messy...
...and then it got VERY messy

What's next?

Chad Gable will no doubt become the talk of the WWE Universe on social media when his new hairstyle is shown on television for the first time.

As for his current situation in WWE, Gable has not competed in a match since moving to SmackDown Live in the 2019 Superstar Shake-Up, but it is safe to assume that he will be given a run as a singles competitor at some point over the next few months.

If not, expect the annual tradition of him receiving a new tag partner after SummerSlam to continue!

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