What Does Erin French Husband Do? Meet the Man Behind the Lost Kitchen Chef

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Erin French is a renowned chef and the owner of the Lost Kitchen, a 40-seat restaurant in Freedom, Maine, that has been featured in Time Magazine, Bloomberg, and Discovery+. But who is the man behind this successful culinary star? What does Erin French husband do for a living? In this article, we will introduce you to Michael Dutton, Erin French’s husband, and reveal some details about their relationship.

How Erin French Met Michael Dutton

Erin French has not always had an easy life. She grew up in a small town with an abusive father and a submissive mother. She married her first husband, Todd French, a boatbuilder, in 2006, and opened the first Lost Kitchen in 2011. However, she soon developed an addiction to Xanax and Ambien due to the stress of running the restaurant. In 2013, she discovered that Todd had secretly closed the restaurant, fired the staff, and changed the locks. She filed for divorce and went to rehab.

After recovering from her addiction, Erin French moved back to her hometown and started hosting secret dinners and parties at her apartment. She gained a loyal following for her dishes and decided to open the second Lost Kitchen in an old mill in 2014. However, she was still lonely and looking for love. She decided to join the dating site Match.com and created a profile.

That’s where she met Michael Dutton, a media executive who was also looking for a partner. They exchanged messages and decided to meet for a date. They hit it off right away and felt a strong connection. They soon fell in love and started dating.

What Does Erin French Husband Do?

Michael Dutton is a media executive who works for a company called Informatics. He is in charge of developing and managing digital platforms and content for various clients. He has a background in journalism and technology and has worked for several media outlets, such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and CNN.

Michael Dutton is also a supportive and loving husband to Erin French. He helps her run the Lost Kitchen and handles the business side of the restaurant. He also encourages her to pursue her passion and creativity in the kitchen. He is often seen in Erin French’s Instagram posts, smiling and posing with her.

Michael Dutton is also a stepfather to Erin French’s son, Jaim, from her previous marriage. Jaim is 18 years old and is a talented musician. He plays the guitar and sings. Michael Dutton has a good relationship with Jaim and treats him like his own son.

How Erin French and Michael Dutton Got Married

Erin French and Michael Dutton got married in August 2018, after four years of dating. They had a beautiful and intimate wedding ceremony at the Lost Kitchen, surrounded by their family and friends. They exchanged vows and rings and kissed under a floral arch. They also had a delicious feast prepared by Erin French and her staff.

Erin French shared some photos of her wedding day on her Instagram account and wrote a heartfelt caption. She said, “My best friend and I are celebrating three years of marriage bliss. I already adore you. And the strange thing is that my affection for you grows exponentially every day. You encourage me, you lift me up, and you’ve given this girl wings to fly and a runway to spread her wings on. You let me be me, and you love me just like that. To find good honest love with you, to work side by side with you, to build this good simple life with you, is my greatest joy and honor. Babe! Here’s to that one online wink that brought us together!!! Happy anniversary!”


Erin French is a successful and inspiring chef who has overcome many challenges in her life. She is also a happy and loving wife to Michael Dutton, a media executive who supports her in every way. They met on a dating site and fell in love. They got married in 2018 and have been living a blissful life ever since. They are a perfect example of how true love can be found in unexpected places. What does Erin French husband do? He does everything he can to make her happy.
